I love to watch kids with their grandparents. It doesn’t make sense. You see, by kids’ normal standards, grandparents should […]
Same Old Same Old
Before Sunday evening prayer service, one our ministers allows people to share prayer needs with the congregation. We allow, even encourage, our children to speak […]
What If The Preacher Acted Just Like You ?
My kids occasionally make the mistake of saying that they have to help out with something around the church or act a certain way because […]
Dear Myself, Teen Edition
Dear Teen Self, You are a great girl, an amazing creation of God, and you’re doing just fine. However, there are a few things […]
Keep Catching Apes And Silly Elephants: Don’t Forget Those Silly Elephants
My husband is a professor at a seminary, teaching master’s degree students. He holds a PhD in Religion from Temple University. We were married the entire time […]
I Deserve What?
Walking down the corridor in the mall the other day I saw this advertisement. “YOU DESERVE TO WAKE UP HAPPY”. Really? Why? And how? The […]
Oh, For Grace To Trust Him More!
God loves me. God can do anything. God wants the best for me. These are a few of the beliefs that I hold dear. So […]
The Truth, The Whole Truth, and Nothing But The Truth, So Help Me God
I just observed a lady, as I have so many other ladies, who is trying to hide her age. Her hair is dyed a dull […]
Bible Quizzing: A Great “Thing”
I think it’s very important for teens to have something positive they’re good at: something that is their “thing” during this phase of life where […]
The Emergency Room Church
Tonight I sit writing this in an emergency room, waiting and waiting. Don’t get all worried. It seems to be no big deal, and I’ll […]