Category: Faith

Great Expectations: Does Your Pastor Have To Be Superhuman?

  Here are some interesting statistics from 75% of pastors report being “extremely stressed” or “highly stressed” 90% work between 55 to 75 hours […]

Of Grasshoppers and Giants

Here’s my Deep Biblical Thought for the Day. (Not implying or promising that there will be another one tomorrow.) Numbers 13 tells how the spies […]

The Process of Perfection 

One of our children was quite unhappy with how they were doing in quiz practice. I, however, can remember where this same kid was 2 […]

What You Need To Know About Watching A Bible Quiz

Bible Quizzing is an amazing program of the United Pentecostal Church International. It is a bit complicated and confusing, though, if you have never seen […]

How To Be On Time For Church (Even With Kids)

The things I share here especially apply if you have small children, but not ONLY in that case.  It seems that as we (and I […]

Memories of Mexico: Day 4, San Rafael

A Little Background A few years ago, a wonderful lady named Maribel and her daughter, Amanda, attended our church.  Our emotions were mixed when Maribel married Marcello Fernandez, a […]

Memories of Mexico: Day 3, Potrero Nuevo and Casitas

A Little Background A few years ago, a wonderful lady named Maribel and her daughter, Amanda, attended our church.  Our emotions were mixed when Maribel married Marcello Fernandez, a […]

Memories of Mexico: Day 2, Mesa Del Tigre and Paso Real

A Little Background A few years ago, a wonderful lady named Maribel and her daughter, Amanda, attended our church.  Our emotions were mixed when Maribel […]